Monday, November 21, 2011

Shutter and Aperture

Shoot a series of photos that demonstrate that you are in control of your camera's manual settings.
First pick a subject that is moving quickly. Shoot it using a range of shutter speeds to show blur and frozen action.
Next, pick a subject or scene that is visually deep or repetitive. Think of a row of houses or parked cars. Shoot the subject with a range of apertures to illustrate deep and shallow depth of field.
Remember equivalent exposures. For example, when you change the shutter, you must change the aperture to create a correct exposure.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Artist Presentation Pt 2

Sorry if I have any mis-spellings on artist names.....

Tatyana - David LaChappelle

Hannah - Diane Arbus

Jackie Sports - Ansel Adams

Lauren M - Jacques-Henri Lartigue

Carolyn - Henri Cartier Bresson

Jennifer from York - W. Eugene Smith

Zogby - Man Ray

Smucker - Joel Peter Witkin

Rachel - Margeret Burke White

Anne - Robert Frank

Gabrielle - Sandy Skoglund

Serena - William Wegman

Dave - Robert Cappa

Steph - Mathew Brady

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Architectural Details

For Monday September 19th
5 shots of Tyler building
5 shots on Temple campus
5 shots off of Temple campus
This project will challenge you to find interesting images in the architecture around you. You will practice your compositional skills as well as looking for / waiting for the best light. Of course you will need to shoot many more than the five images per category listed above, but I want you to do your editing and processing in class Monday.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Stay Creative

Since we will not have class for a week, I don't want to to get stale. Stay creative!
This is a list I found at some point and thought it would come in handy one day. Use this list to create a collection of photos to use in our first few class exercises. Take pictures of yourself or your friends or just the things included in this list. Feel free to add creative practices of your own.
FOR EXAMPLE- You could have a picture of you sketching, your friend sketching, or an interesting picture of you sketch book. It's up to you. take multiple pictures of each creative activity. Please make sure that you try to be creative while taking the pictures.
Bring your images on a disk, hard drive or memory card next week and we'll get started.

Have a fun and safe weekend! Go to First Friday!! You are lucky to live/study in a City that has an active arts community. Take advantage of it.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Welcome - Fall 2011

Welcome to Photo 1! This semester each student will maintain a blog to share links, respond to readings and shows and to post project images. I hope you have fun and learn a lot!